Senin, 20 Februari 2012

sekretaris global

In the era globalization found the free marketing competition, there’s enough challenge to compete among companies or private business. So we should be able to follow the flow of the development and can be the strong competitors in it. There is not border. They are integrated, independent, influence each other to face the situation like this. The under development countries that they are in every aspect. Such as human resources, capital excellent and technology. While the condition of the businessmen in Indonesian must face many challenges and they are in the competitive circumstances.
A success for a company represents a support from the good management. For dealing with the management of a company needs of a leader in a company can decide the wisdom of the management furthermore determine successful company. So a leader must have to work very complex and have full schedule either a job inside or outside the office.
Without  supporting of a secretary may be in office job can’t be able to finish on time. That’s why a leader may not be able to fo the job by him self, he has to need the help of another people such as professional secretary where she can be able to help of the leader. She can be able to handle the leader’s job fully, with proactive and interactive, where she is required to be able to master the various job, namely :
1.    Making schedule of the leader’s
2.    Business travelling of the leader’s
3.    Arranged out petty cash
4.    Arranged planning a meeting
5.    Meeting a client
6.    The handle telephone
7.    Arranged the office correspondence

And may be there’s skill a job which related with the activity of the which should be done and arrange efficiently. To face the globalization era in the future, is needed a secretary who has the competent skill in every section which related with the office job. The ability must be belonged such as typing, shorthand, filing, correspondence, computerize, office management and must master various language.
Being a secretary in the era globalization isn’t as easy as are imagine. She should always aware every time and everywhere the boos needs, either about administration work or the case which related with the decision of the boss. They  should  have a high mental attitude, and the other requirements such as :
1.    Being smart
2.    Skill full
3.    Generous
4.    Good appearance
5.    Good looking
6.    Net work
7.    Sincerity and
8.    Spirit

With the description like that she should be able to learn to improve every demand in order to be a professional secretary. And we may not stop learning and learning. And may not be easy to in doing what to be our obligation and our responsibility. So our skills ehich we have can be improved perfectly.

As we knoe as a secretary must have a principle which referred to the future and to fast up to this era globalization. For example one of our principle’s is  “        DO THE RIGHT NOW FIRST TIME AND EVERY TIME”. It means “we should do everything from the first until finished every time”.

Rabu, 12 Oktober 2011

Si Putih Abu-Abu

Kamis, 06 Oktober 2011

                                                                  Si Putih Abu - Abu

Sering ku ikuti ini dan itu
Tanpa tahu hitam putihnya
Menghilangkan gengsi semata
Pada teman-teman Remaja

                                 Masa ini adalah masa tersulit
                                 Masa Si Putih Abu-Abu
                                 Mudah terhempas bagai kapas
                                 Tertiup angin timur dan angin barat

Kubuka mata, hati dan pikiran
Untuk setiap kejadian . . .
Yang ada didepan mata
Berharap menjadikanku lebih dewasa

                                 Kucari dan kudengar setiap nasehat dan motivasi
                                 Mencoba kuresapi dan kupatuhi . . .
                                 Tak kuhiraukan . . .
                                  Entah dari orang ulung ataupun awam

Kutapaki kaki
Melangkah pada masa labil ini
Mencari Jati Diri

By   : Annisa Azzukhruf Elwood


Kamis, 25 Agustus 2011

 My Memory

Teringat saat pertama kali mengenal dirimu
Di SMK tercintaku ...
Saat muka-muka masih tersenyum kaku dan tersipu malu
Karena belum saling menyatu ...
Menjadi sahabat saat senang maupun pilu

                                Kini kita semua sudah menjadi sahabat
                                Kita senantiasa bersama...
                                Mengukir kenangan saat-saat muda
                                Namun... Waktu memisahkan kita
                                Di SMK kita tercinta

Waktu telah menorehkan kasih sayang
Perpisahan menggoreskan luka-luka kepedihan
Saat ku harus merelakan perpisahan
Dan mengucapkan selamat tinggal
Kepada sahabat-sahabatku tersayang

                              Tiga tahun sudah kita lewati saat-saat bahagia
                              Tangis, tawa, canda, maupun Cinta
                              Kita jalani bersama
                              Hingga terasa waktu tak lama

Terimakasih sahabatku
Kau telah mengajariku banyak hal
Tentang kasih sayang dan perjuangan
yang tak bisa ku bayar mahal

                             Sahabat... Kau bagai pelangi di hatiku
                             Kau selalu mewarnai hidupku
                             Kau selalu menghiasi hari-hariku
                             Tapi... Kini senja mulai merenggut

Mega sudah mulai meredup
Direbut oleh kegelapan malam pekat
Namun.. Kau wahai pelangiku
Akan selalu ku ingat 
Hingga akhir hayat

By   : Annisa Azzukhruf Elwood


Senin, 08 Agustus 2011


                          Bagai debu tertiup angin
                          Bagai ombak diterjang badai
                          Hatiku bimbang dalam hari
                          Memikirkan ayahku seorang diri

Ayahku jatuh sakit nun jauh hari
Karena stroke ringan menimpanya
Aku tak tahu kapan penyakit itu pergi
 Hingga ayahku dapat mencari nafkah lagi

                          Dalam setiap sujud ku berdoa
                          Hanya untuk ayah ku saja
                          Semoga ayahku sabar dan lekas sembuh
                          Karena beliau lentera hidupku

 Hari terus berganti hari
Cobaan demi cobaan datang tak terperi
Semoga ayah ku lekas sembuh di kemudian hari
Sebagai jawaban atas doa-doa ku selama ini....

By   : Annisa Azzukhruf Elwood

Senin, 05 September 2011

Di keheningan ku berdoa
Dalam sujudku ku berdoa
Kepada Allah yang maha kuasa
Dengan hati yang penuh dengan keikhlasan

Kelut diri dalam nestapa
Do'a-lah yang menegarkan diri..
Meski harus kumenunggu
Keajaibanmu do'a..

By : Annisa Azzukhruf Elwood